Eco-Friendly Hacks for your End of Tenancy Clean

News at Dafydd Hardy Students | 23/06/2023

With the end of your student tenancies nearing, you’ll soon be thinking about how to clean your property. Although you do need to ensure that a thorough clean has been conducted throughout, you really don’t need to go crazy with buying products to do so. In fact, you are likely to have many items already in your house that can come in handy.

Here are 6 easy cleaning hacks for you to try.  

  1. Baking Soda for Cleaning Surfaces: Baking soda is a versatile cleaning agent. Use it as a gentle abrasive to clean surfaces like sinks, countertops, and oven tops. Sprinkle baking soda on a damp cloth or sponge, scrub the surface, and rinse it off.
  2. Vinegar for Removing Hard Water Stains: Vinegar is excellent for removing hard water stains from faucets, showerheads, and glass surfaces. Soak a cloth or paper towel in vinegar, wrap it around the stained area, and let it sit for a few hours. Then, scrub gently and rinse. You can also pour this down your sink along with some bicarbonate of soda to clear the drains.
  3. Lemon Juice for Removing Odours: Lemon juice is a natural deodorizer. Use it to remove odours from cutting boards, garbage disposals, and microwaves. Squeeze lemon juice onto the surface, let it sit for a few minutes, and rinse with water.
  4. Salt for Cleaning Cast Iron: Salt is an excellent abrasive for cleaning cast iron pans. Sprinkle salt onto the pan, use a damp cloth or sponge to scrub away stuck-on food, and rinse with water.
  5. Newspaper for Streak-Free Glass Cleaning: Instead of paper towels, use newspaper to clean glass surfaces like windows and mirrors. Spray a homemade glass cleaner or diluted vinegar onto the surface, wipe with crumpled newspaper, and enjoy streak-free results.
  6. Toothpaste for Polishing Silver: Toothpaste can be used to polish tarnished silverware. Apply a small amount of toothpaste to a soft cloth, rub it onto the silver, rinse with water, and dry with a clean cloth.

Remember, these hacks are intended for specific cleaning tasks and surfaces. Always test them in inconspicuous areas first and use caution to avoid damaging delicate surfaces.

Should you wish to use the alternative and buy your own products, here are some tips to help you remain eco-friendly as possible.

  1. Use natural cleaning products: Instead of using chemical-laden cleaning products, opt for natural alternatives. Look for plant-based or biodegradable cleaning solutions that are free from harmful ingredients like bleach, ammonia, and phosphates.
  2. Avoid disposable cleaning supplies: Reduce waste by using reusable cleaning tools instead of disposable ones. For example, opt for washable microfiber cloths instead of paper towels, and use washable mop heads instead of disposable mop pads.
  3. Conserve water: Be mindful of water usage during cleaning. Turn off the tap when not in use and avoid letting it run continuously while scrubbing or rinsing. Consider using a bucket of water for mopping instead of a running hose or faucet.
  4. Proper waste disposal: When cleaning, it's essential to dispose of waste properly. Separate recyclables from non-recyclables and ensure they end up in the appropriate bins. Additionally, if you encounter hazardous waste, such as batteries or electronics, find local recycling programs or drop-off centres to dispose of them safely.

Many students get caught out by not cleaning ovens, skirting boards and shower heads as well as not disposing of rubbish correctly. If you are unsure about anything prior to your move out, feel free to contact our student department for assistance.

Read our end of tenancy checklist here.