Prioritising Mental Health in University

News at Dafydd Hardy Students | 22/02/2024

University life is often hailed as a transformative experience, marked by academic challenges, personal growth, and the formation of lifelong friendships. However, it also comes with its share of stressors that can take a toll on your mental health. The pressure to excel academically, navigate social dynamics, and make significant life decisions can contribute to anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns. It is crucial for students to recognise the importance of this, break the stigma surrounding it, and actively seek support.

One of the major barriers to addressing mental health concerns in universities is the stigma attached to seeking help. Many students fear judgment or believe that acknowledging their struggles may be perceived as a sign of weakness. However, it's essential to understand that mental health is just as vital as physical health, and seeking support is a courageous step towards overall well-being.

The reason as to why many young people suffer during university can be down to various factors such as academic pressure, financial stress, poor work-life balance, social isolation or high expectancy all whist trying to transition and adjust to being away from home and living on their own.

Universities are increasingly working to destigmatise mental health by promoting open conversations and awareness campaigns. Encouraging students to share their experiences, struggles, and successes can help create an environment where mental health is viewed with the same importance as any other aspect of student life.

There are a range of resources available to support students' mental health, including confidential counselling services, support groups, and workshops. Utilising these is a proactive approach to managing one's mental well-being. Trained professionals can provide coping strategies, tools for stress management, and a safe space to express thoughts and emotions.

Breaking the stigma surrounding mental health in university settings is an ongoing process that requires collective effort. By having open conversations, promoting awareness, and providing readily available support services, universities can contribute to creating an environment where students feel comfortable prioritising their mental well-being.

If you are struggling with your mental health at uni, speak to someone, the chances are they are experiencing or have experiences similar feelings at some point. If you’re in Bangor University halls of residence, reach out to the Campus Life team or if you’re in rented student accommodation in Bangor, contact student services or your personal tutors.

Resources Available 
Bangor University Student Support
Student Space